Daily Workout - December 15
Warm-Up: ABC's/ Dynamic 5 Rounds Wall Ball x 10 Ring Rows x 6 Box Jumps x 10 Pull-ups x 6 4 times (30sec on/ 30 sec off: each exercise)...

Daily Workout - December 5
4 Rounds DB Clean & Jerk x 10 (see image) Box Jump x 10 V-Ups x 10 Airdyne x 20 cal 4 Rounds Burpee x 10 Push-Up x 10 Rower 250m 4 Rounds...

Turkey Day Calorie Blaster
:45 jumping jacks :15 rest :45 air squats :15 rest :45 burpees :15 rest :45 v-ups :15 rest :45 plank :60 rest *repeat 2 additional times...

Daily Workout - November 21
Warmup 400m row 5mins dynamic stretching 20 Min Continuous Clock at the start of each minute complete: 5 Burpees 5 Thrusters (dumbbells...

Daily Workout - November 16
50 - KB Swings 50 - DB Bench Press 4 - 200m Sprints 50 - Burpees 300 - Jump Rope 50 - Jacknifes 50 - Cals on Airdyne #Workouts #Fitness...

Daily Workout - November 9
Warm-Up: 400m jog and 5 mins of dynamic stretching Part 1 15 Single Arm DB Power Snatch 15 Box Jump Burpees 15 Jumping Pull-Ups 15...

Daily Workout - November 1
Warmup - 3 minute jog followed by 5 mins of dynamic stretching Cards of Strength - First 10 cards chosen decide the volume of each...

Daily Workout - October 27
Warm-Up: 5 minute row 20 Round Pound every 1:00: 5 thrusters + 5 burpees focal point: the faster you get through it, the more rest you...

Daily Workout - October 24
Warmup - dynamic stretch, 5:00 minutes Aerobic Capacity Training Row 500 meters AFAP (as fast as possible) w/ as much rest as needed...

Daily Workout - October 16
Warmup: 100 jump rope then 250m row 1,2,3,4....15 DB Thruster DB Incline DB OH Full situp Calories on Bike/Rower #Workouts #Bootcamp...