Daily Workout - August 4
Warm up - 5min Airdyne Tabatta Friday! 8 rounds of :20 on :10 off w/ 1:00min rest between movements Box Jumps Pushup Full Situp Squat...
Daily Workout - August 3
Partner Workout * One Works while one rests, Count your Reps as a Group* * 4:00 minute sections* Man Makers KB Swings (20 kg, 15 kg) Full...
Daily Workout - August 2
10min Stations Goal: 4 Rounds at each Station #1 100 Jump Rope 20 DB Overhead Full Sit-ups 10 Chest-to-ball Push-ups Station #2 150m Row...
Daily Workout - August 1
Warmup 3 rounds - 25 air squats + 10 push ups Station 1 - 6 min to complete as many rounds or reps as possible Row x 150 Wall Ball x 15...
Daily Workout - July 27
Warmup: Jumprope warmup- 8 sets :20 on :10 off 3 sets of... Thrusters - 8 Burpees - 14 3:00 minutes rest 3 sets of... Box Jumps - 10 Rope...
Daily Workout - July 26, 2017
6 Rounds for time Partner up, one works while other rests 250m Row 10KB Swings 10 Squat Jumps 6 Rounds for time Partner up, one works...
Daily Workout - July 25, 2017
Warmup Dynamic w/ High Knees x 25 Jump Squat x 20 Pushup x 15 Station Circuits 3 sets each @ :30 sec. on, :15 sec. off *Medicine Ball...
Daily Workout - July 21, 2017
Warmup Dynamic stretching 30,25,20,15,10,5 (Squats and Bicycles (abs)) Weight Training 4 sets of each Super Set DB Chest Press x 12 SB...
Daily Workout - July 19, 2017
Warm-up Med. Ball Jump Squat x 10 Lunge and Touch x 5 ea. leg Med. Ball Slams x 10 Century Workout (Partner Works while Partner Rests)...
Daily Workout - July 18, 2017
Station Circuits 3 sets each @ :30 sec. on, :15 sec. off *Medicine Ball Stations* Russian Twist Med. Ball Slams Wall Ball *Barbell...