Daily Workout - August 21
Get-r-Done 4 Rounds of: Steps ups x 12 each Jumping Pullups x 10 Lunge x d/b Knees to elbows x 10 DB Clean and Jerk x 5 each *rest 5mins*...
Daily Workout - August 18
Warmup: 5:00 minute jog w/ Burpee every :20 seconds "Something Wrong Here" Cardio Box Jump/ Step Ups Row Jumprope Sand Bag Cleans Bike...
Daily Workout - August 17
Warmup - 4:00 Airdyne (moderate pace) 4:00 AMRAP Row 200m Lunge d/b/d Full Sit-ups x15 Rest 2:00 4:00 AMRAP Jump Rope x50 Shadow Box x25...
Daily Workout - August 16
Warmup: 400m run Trifecta Part 1 - 4 Rounds each Row 250m Tricep Extensions x15 Sumo Squat x20 Trifecta Part 2 - 4 Rounds each Pushup/Row...
Daily Workout - August 15
The Mixer Russian Twist (:20 work / :10 rest x4) Full sit-up (:20 work / :10 rest x4) Wall Ball (:20 work / :10 rest x4) Rower (:20...
Daily Workout - August 14
Warm Up - Dynamic, 10,8,6 - Med. Ball Chops, Clean and Jerk, Swings -It all Counts- Count all your reps/ calories in 2:30 sec. of work 5...
Daily Workout - August 11
Warm Up 500m Row Stations (:30 on, :15 off x 3 rounds each) Medicine Ball Station Russian Twist Push Up to Thruster Explosive Wall Ball...
Daily Workout - August 10
Dynamic Warm-up "The Best Never Rest" a) For Time: 3 rounds of: 400 meter Row 30 Wall Ball's b) For Grind: 5 rounds of: 1:00 Minute KB...
Daily Workout - August 9
Warm Up - row or airdyne 5 mins Elimin"8" (8-reps per exercise. Eliminate exercise after each circuit set) Split Jerk w/ Bar Overhead...
Daily Workout - August 8
Warmup 4 rounds of 10 pushups, 10 jump squats, 10 bicycles Workout 10:00 AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible) 5- pullups (scale to...