Daily Workout - October 11
Warm-Up: Dynamic 10 min: AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible) jumping pull-ups x 10 push-ups x 10 squats x 15 rower: 200m **rest 3...
Daily Workout - October 6
Warmup: 100 jump rope, 50 walking lunges, 40 jumping jacks, 30 sit-ups, 20 pushups 18 min: AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible)...
Daily Workout - October 3
Warm-up - 5 min row or Airdyne (60% effort) 3x through each: Full sit-up x10 Ring Row x10 Jump Rope x75 **rest 3 mins** 3x through each:...
Daily Workout - September 29
Warmup - Airdyne 2 mins, then 100 jump rope 50-40-30-20-10 Pushups BW Squats Presses V-up sit-ups Jump Rope #Workouts #Motivation #Fitness
Daily Workout - September 27
12 min Rounds, AMRAP (as many rounds or reps as possible) Row 200m Step ups x10ea Push-ups x25 *rest 4 mins* 12 min Rounds, AMRAP Jump...
Daily Workout - September 25
Warmup - 5 min row 3 Times through: Pull-up x10 Front Squat x10 Burpee x10 Dead Lift x10 Row/Airdyne x20cals Full Sit-up x20 4 Times...
Daily Workout - September 22
"One Time Through" 5 Bear Crawls D&B 10 S.A Snatches/ Arm 15 Bulgarian Split Squats/ Leg 20 Cals Rower 25 Leg Raises 10 Mr Spectaculars...
Daily Workout - September 18
Warmup - Row 1,000m TABATA :40on/:20off x5 DB Burpee + Press Jump Rope Tire Flips Push-up Rope Pull Sled Pulls Alt. Front/Rear Plank...
Daily Workout - September 15
Warmup - 200 jump rope and 5 mins of mobilty Complete 4Rounds: Bench Dips x20 KB Swing x10 DB Curl to Press x10 rest 5 mins Complete...
Daily Workout - September 11
Warmup - 5 minutes (airdyne, run or row) Elimin "8" Sprints x 8 down =1 back =2 Airdyne x 18 calories Man Makers x 8 Row - 18 Calories...